This is my fandream come true ;___;
This is my fandream come true ;___;
Japan and I are in a hate/love relationship. This is one of those times when I wish Japan would stop doing stupid things. Then again, isn't that what makes it special?
@Aquatrez: The problem, in my opinion, is that there was a bit too much hype and expectations of what FFXIII would be like. People assumed it would be the next smash hit final fantasy. Is it? It is what it is.
Is it just me, or is it mildly odd that a 360 title is selling well in Japan?
Remind you of anything?
@yanipheonu: That, or he's a cyclops.
I still think Kevin Butler should get the role.
Surprised this hasn't come up yet.
Let's see...
@Xeo: Against Valve? What are you? An activision employee? That aside, it's 10.00 in USD right now, I believe. And trust me, it's worth every penny.
Surprised this didn't come up yet.
@THE_MOOGLEKING: I think FFXIII is the game you're looking for.
@Good news, everyone!: Screw that. Plants vs. Zombies is where it's at :D
I bought way too much from sony's online store. Gotta love it. I'm now playing FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, and Patapon two. Keep in mind I'm also playing FFVII crisis core, and TF2, and my game schedule is full at least until the 3DS comes out :D
Two words: Shop Contest
How do you mine pills?
The cake is a li-
Think of all the other movies adaptions we want besides this...
I loved the old system due to how it provided an accurate review of what you loved and hated about the game, not a rating.
Looks more like a home than an office. Then again, shouldn't every office be a home away from home? It's refreshing to see a company with a heart now and then. Looking at you, Activision.