Michael Crowe case, anyone? Remember how they blamed him for killing his sister because of FF7? Good times.
Michael Crowe case, anyone? Remember how they blamed him for killing his sister because of FF7? Good times.
It seems to me like every single game is going online. Why can't we just sit in our basements and play games without social interaction?
Wait. They're releasing this on the 360... In Japan? That's the most laughable thing I've heard all day.
@Ultimate_Kardas: So losers can fap to them. Trufax.
@BubbleF**kingBuddy: 'Cause that might be mildly disturbing on a female robot, perhaps?
Just what video games needed: More boobs *dripping with sarcasm*
I'll go with ABXY, thank you.
@yourcitylovesyou: Pfft. Everyone one knows Baidu's best.
@truthtellah: Don't forget plumbers. Gotta love plumbers.
@Xerain: Pffft. Ever play an Ace attorney game? Although they may be good, translation slaughters it. Absolutely slaughters it.
@Archaotic: Hell yeah.
@Kaonazhie: What would you rather play as? A group of geriatrics who are the only hope for the country/world/ universe?
@Kenny: Seriously. All major social networking sites need to die. Graah.
@hurricanedj: ... Do you have supersonic eyes or something =/
Poor Bing... It'll never be a popular search engine. Sorry, Bing </3
@Armuun: What are you talking about? XIII is great. Just not a great FF.
American porn industry has tried making video games before, from Goregasm to Bonetown. And they all sucked. The Japanese are the only ones to succeed with h-games... And even those are hard to play given how mediocre they are.
FF Versus XIII: Coming to stores December 13, 2012!
@Raso719: My thoughts exactly =/
Sure it's cute, but who would actually want this?