
Gee, you are the one engaging in thread necromancy on this issue. You came back after several days to post in a thread everyone else had moved on from. But you want to call me out on responding to what you posted to me today? That seems smart, reasonable and totally not obsessed.

And in all of your maturity (yeah right), you make the assumption that I worship Jay-Z. Just because you don’t like being called out on your jumping to a false conclusion about someone you can’t stand doesn’t make me a worshiper. It makes you petty and pitiful. And at the end of the day, still wrong.

eggshellwhatever is still wrong a week after the fact and just can’t let go. They are so opposed to Jay Z that they proudly and stupidly got taken in by a con artist known for her performance pieces and her abuses of her employees with regard to paying them.

Not only were you engaged in histrionics, you were engaged in a completely false narrative. You also accused everyone who pointed out you were wrong of being a Bey and Jay sycophant (cough, ahem, histrionics). You also claim I put words regarding Jay-Z being an uncultured thug in your mouth - because you are a

Oh, I see. When it was the big bad rapper taking advantage of Marina and violating her vulnerability, you were calling for Jay-Z and Beyonce’s heads on sticks. Now that this starving (ha) performance artist has been outed as a liar, it’s totally overblown. Oh, and you are still ganging on to the complete mental

No, what's sad is your inability to admit you were wrong, and that it was a lying multi-millionaire performance artist who is the big bad villain. Not Jay-Z. You are putting on a truly pathetic display.

I’m automatically giving side eye to anyone who thinks 14/15 year olds “experimenting” with their little (pre-teen and young child) sisters is normal. And these are just the cases in the polic report.

We’re not dealing with a reasonable person here. Just someone who can't see their own hypocrisy.

Right. The next time someone accuses you if defrauding them, we should believe them, and tell anyone who will listen that you are an uncultured thug just because we don’t like you. That’s a real winning strategy.

Woman up and admit were wrong. You did not give a potential (actual) victim the benefit of the doubt - that would be Jay-Z - not a lying Marina Abramovic. Stop letting your blind hatred of Jay-Z (remind me again what Beyonce has to do with any of this?) make you a hypocrite. Lynch mob mentality is scary.

It must be a surreal experience watching people who pride themselves on how much more moral they are than liberals, gays, heathens, etc. defend a child molester.

And that’s what makes them truly horrific people. Promoting those lies while protecting their hetero predator son. And I swear Michelle’s robocalls were just last year.

Yes. And they even did the bit about how gays and transgendered men and women want to molest children.

She is either Zoolander level stupid and shouldn’t be in charge of a “charitable organization,” or she is a liar. Unless you are trying to tell me you believe in some Illuminati driven conspiracy where he lied and then paid her for the apology and proof. And that claim is utter horseshit from people with more pride

So you hopped one a one-sided attack, you were wrong, but it’s everyone else’s fault. She got the benefit of the doubt. He didn’t. Why is that?

And the reactions here in this Groupthink post haven’t been completely hypocritical?

I’ll take that as a no. Carry on then...

Does one’s love of performance art render Abramovic immune libel, or will one’s hatred of Jay-Z keep them from acknowledging that he actually did donate to her organization (with proof) and that she couldn’t be assed to verify her false claims?

So... you gonna walk this back since it came out that Marina was wrong and Jay-Z did donate to her organization? Or are you just going to let your hatred of Jay-Z/Beyonce cloud your judgement?

Or the takeaway is that Marina is too ignorant about her brand to know that Jay-Z did in fact donate to her organization - two years ago, as a matter of fact, or she’s a straight up liar.