
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center... So unless your boss has cancer it wouldn’t work.

I don’t know how to private message on kinja... Maybe Instagram?

The more I hear otherwise people’s stories the more I’m grateful for my pain management team at MSKCC. But everything there has been as fantastic as it could be given the circumstances.

I’m so grateful for my mom because she rides in the back with me and I curl up into her... that helps, marginally, with the potholes on the streets of NYC...

I’m sorry for your loss... I really don't want to be in a situation where I'm just not human from the pain, I felt that a few times when I was not managing my pain well, it's... really not pleasant.

I’m on the minimal doses for both, 5 for Oxycodone and 12 for fentanyl. I supplement with Tylenol as needed (as per pain management instructions). Right now I can manage my pain with those doses but I'm sure it will be a struggle when I need to up the dosage. Thank you for that info, it's helpful.

I know the difference is the time release thing, but honestly it's the little things like that that hold me together enough to take the thing. I was basically screaming in agony before I would take the prescription for Oxycodone from my doctors. 

Yes, opioid crisis is bad. I’ve been reading about it for years...

Ledecka winning Women's Super G Alpine Skiing despite starting 26th and being a champion snowboarder! Just the responses of the announcers as they see the numbers is epic.

I’m going through treatment for uterine cancer right now (very late stage), and haven’t driven a car since the summer... I miss the ability to just leave the house... I end up having to take Lyft to my doctor’s appointments and it is just brutal being in a car when various parts of you hurt.

Let’s add more context.

The best time to go is at night when all the tourists are gone, but more wintertime.

I’d try it, if I could find them in a local store.

The older I get the more I truly believe that people don’t give a fuck about women and children, no matter what they say. As a woman and a former child, that sucks.

What these scandals keep saying over and over again is that we, as a society, don’t care about women or children. Full stop.

Parts are toxic, some are ok, but nothing is as bad as tech.

1. Russian orphanages are a nightmare, kids have huge issues from there (see “The Italian” about how crappy it can get)

Roux! Why not name your kid Soup or Stew?

There was this infuriating/exhaustiving article in the Wall Street Journal this week about a specific (named) individual at Coutts (British bsnk used by Queen & other famous/rich/etc people). They did an internal investigation in 2015 that turned up so much evidence and people speaking about what happened that the

Now, the most important question is ... what is that drink in the photo, it looks delicious.