Sagittarius Catharsis

Hello Pedobear.


Link goes straight to porn app.

Between this and The Witness its like the return of the MYST clone, except with out any of the negative connotations you would have with the word "clone".

I hope Marvel does right by Wesley Snipes And integrates him into their current continuity when he gets out of tax jail.

Matt Damon exoskeleton that flies.


We really don't know (IE no fiction outside of Children of taiko that I know of) tWilliams yet predicted how this will effect women. In children of men they only mentioned women imoliating themselves (due to their inability to satisfy a natural instinct built into every biological organism since the first virus

Religion induced isolation, and why I will get estalked for mentioning Hasidic Jews because you are not ready to understand the relationship between "strength", "weakness" and "now+won".

The tutorials are super helpful for me because I frustrate easily. Interesting way to balance Frustrate Easy/Bore Eazy.

Instantly knew they were using the skeletonics design when I saw the video last month.

Make a reference to dildos in this comment section and everybody loses their mind, joker.jpg

Well we are getting close to being conscious of a singularity so it has been seeming more and more logical to me that we may be interacting with post singularity beingAnd for how long? Well... Time after the singularity isn't something I'm going to pretend to understand...

Not going to pay more than a dollar for that.

Is "A terrific first impression" also a dick joke?

Is the joke that I can't tell the difference between those two images?

The whole super hero dating a non super hero is from a time wheinto one questioned power dynamics. nowadays honest theorists would see the Spider-Man Mary Jane relationship as really unhealthy for both Parties.

Took his ball and went home. The Anti-Expanded-Awareness brigade "wins" again.