This needs to be collar and App.
This needs to be collar and App.
Shut up and take my hobo money!
I guess eventually we will be able to make all of the using things like
Like video games are your mother.
How do I block you and report you. way to make me feel like a white girl getting stalked.
Watchdogs also had this, oh I'm sorry Watch_Dogs.
That one game to rule them all. The PS4's killer App, Last Guardian...
Yeah, this is called morgellons. Look it up, Morgellons money fibers.
Was I the only one that felt moderately scared after the goblin said "Welcome to hell" , watch it again, does it seem sinister?
After seeing the out of mech booster assisted parkour of TitanFall and the body armory detail and style of Nad Max, TitanFall and The Devision, Destiny looks last gen, and really obviously using a Halo engine..
Fallout 4 just became less relevant, as did almost every non-sci-fi sandbox game. I wonder exactly what I expect as I've never played the Just Cause games. I would like to be able to customize clothing/armor vehicles, weapons, I would basically want atheists Rage game, but less sci-fi magic heebajeeba.
"It’s not trying to say anything other than something that makes you laugh."
They can stop pretending to be a business now that we can know that they are paid for by taxes.
And now you'll never be important.
EXASPERATED EXPRESSION, Y ou guys defend video games like its your mother. are their less inane blogger networks?
Shit up about this game unless you're going to admit that it is a sequel to the Splintercell->Assassinscreed—>IAmAlive—>watchdogs storyline.
whar are you getting paid responding to mad old posts with a "no I know better" post.
A face, like I said before on reddit.
We'reWe're re all assuming that designing hardware has been taking up all of his time up until this point, when, as far as we know Ive could have been ready to take over UI years ago and had just let others handle it for as long as they could do so. Ive could have gigs of ideas stored and waiting, years ahead of our…