You know those tiny roses inside of a glass tube at the gas station? No? Head to the seedier part of town. (photo courtesy of the St. Petersburg FLORIDA Times' website)
You know those tiny roses inside of a glass tube at the gas station? No? Head to the seedier part of town. (photo courtesy of the St. Petersburg FLORIDA Times' website)
It might be great to drive, but they just badly missed the boat as far as styling goes. It's just horridly ugly.
They do, but they know how to handle crazy.
To be fair to her, she's cuter than most of them and did a pretty crazy amount of damage. Also she should get bonus crazy points for smiling like that in mugshot.
Does this wrap up the 18-month version of the Jalopnik calendar?
If I'm driving a work truck, I'd normally assume that the toll is covered by the employer, and that they've done everything necessary to make sure the truck is legal everywhere I'll be driving it. I won't be dipping in my pocket to pay a cash toll, that's for sure.
I know, too. Absent a heater, he still should've just run over that SOB when he started for the front of the car.
3rd: I'm loving that Fiat MILF, but that ad is much too long for US TV. At least our constitution guarantees her the right to freedom of expression.
It's worth noting that it appears to have a full-sized spare on an alloy wheel (probably an expensive Campagnolo or Fondmetal), too.
$37k for a turbocharged Italian RWD midsize coupe with a dogleg stick and handcrafted leather appointments the color of peanut butter? We should be so lucky.
I thought you might be racing sick Corvettes. I was wrong.
Tesla? Perhaps Fisker?
Sniff. Yes. C4C is also known to have claimed at least one.
Even in the pictured patinaed condition, it looks cool and luxurious. Yes, its stereo looks like an aftermarket unit (the factory one did, too) and the HVAC console clearly came from a Dodge Omni.
Also, not a prototype. It was actually used.
I'm sure they will. I think that putting the cars in alphabetical order by price, designating the trucks by an X, using the numbers to denote engine displacement, and throwing a lower-case x after the numbers to denote AWD on cars is a great idea. Oh, wait. That would allow someone to make sense of the names.
It's worth 10 points.
They'll back down on this before it actually happens.
Hint: if you got red overspray on your pop-up headlights, leave them down during the day.
Killa bees, yo!