ok I don't see the problem here... people look at me everyday, and im a dude so I have no problem with it, in fact most conversations I hold have people looking at me, amazing right?

you can play free for 7 days then you need to pay microsoft to play your "free" game

I use mine to attract dust

I think it could benefit from some sports as well

what the hell is up with the googly eyes on that damn fish?

Ever PS4 comes preinstalled with a copy of Half Life 2: Episode 3

the reason its so bright is that its power source is microsofts tears, and there is an overabundance of them currently

perhaps if it detected rapid movement of a hand going up and down near the mid section of a person it could switch the TV channel to adult pay per view

do you think they called it the Xbox One cause that was the limit to the amount of friends you could loan your game to?

well I guess the weight is over for a new playable female character in smash bros

who cares what it looks like the real question is....

when that black basketball player (im assuming hes a basketball player) came on and started talking I had to switch off the stream, the guys voice just irritated the crap out of me, perhaps its because im British and I hate this sort of unsportsmanlike smack talk, and cant care less about Basketball I knew it would

haven't you talked to this guy before? I remember reading an article you wrote with him in.

man why do I suspect they will add a feature for the Xbox one which will allow me to yell out orders to call of duty dog, and by god if my character at one point dont leave a guy getting his throat ripped out by CoDog with the line "play dead" I will eat my super suit.

rather than kicking ass its looks like its producing something out of its ass.... alot of it, should lay off the cheese.

free to play game from capcom with microtrans.....

I think its mainly that every one has an american accent, the lines are pretty bad as well "THAT ITS A LIE"

I work for a retailer in the UK, out of all the Wii U's we have sold since there release (yes there have been quite a few despite all the nay sayers) we have only sold 1 white

get this man a Moe Moe Z-Cune hes in so deep there's no hope of return, and really would you truly want to? So take it one step further "pain is power! GRAND DELUSION!"