
2018 Premium 2.5i with CVT

Ours is EPA rated 26/33 and we’ve never seen better than 28. On long road trips I was hoping to at least see 30.

While delivering Meh fuel economy.  My wife has one.  I expected better fuel economy.

I’ve got Mk7.5 GTI with no issues.

I’m a dad with a ‘18 GTI S. It’s my first and I absolutely love it. I was able to downsize from a Volvo V60 since the wife bought a Forester.

Well, we’ll see how you feel about this tomorrow.

I love good, physical hockey. That hit was dirty as fuck. You can’t hit a guy in the numbers. Maybe the NHL needs to follow Canadian Youth Hockey with their jersey design.

But think of all the free flatware and mini shampoo bottles you’ll get with “The Jaaaaaaaaaaaaag”.  That’s certainly worth the premium.

And that day cannot come soon enough.

I guess I should have clarified that I was referencing the broadcasting aspect of the sport.

I love hockey, but unfortunately, it’s still an old white man’s sport.

sometimes it’s better to ask for forgiveness than for permission.

The DSG also handles mods. You really can’t mod a manual without replacing/upgrading the clutch.

Looks like they should have Juked instead of jived.  Now they’re just in it for the Kicks.

Have you watched hockey lately?

My wife and I had a Volvo V60 and Subaru Impreza during our first. Only wanting for more room on the annual roadtrip home for the holidays. Was getting ready for a roof box when the Impreza ate its motor.

Have you met the current generation’s 1st time parents?


If only there were a unionized way of ferrying people around in a car!?

Torch’s hair is why there aren’t more subs.