

Looked more like laying him down for a nap, than abuse.

Enjoy being a slave to the machine. Your employer appreciates your dedication.

I’m still in my 2nd year, so I get capped at 80.  At 5 years I’ll get more.

Paid Time Off is paid time off.

They are separate. Vacation stops accruing at 80 hours, sick time does not stop accruing.

Or the culture adjusts.

Another useful metric is Playoff Beard Robustness (P.B.R.)

How is Nintendo Online not on this list?

While ice skating backwards.

Sadly, there were no jumps to be found on the 5 Freeway

No, no, no. We can’t allow you to order directly from the manufacturer!

I’m pretty sure that’s Fountains of Wayne...

Pfft. Do you even drive bro? ;-)

VW is excessively environmentally conscious?

I’ve got 106k on my ‘15 V60 with only scheduled maintenance.

Doesn’t want: Something with a lot of maintenance.

Is this not the norm?