Don't shave your pits and wear a tank top in public. Well, ok, that's not celebrating your womanhood more than seeing if you will end up on a Reddit thread...
Don't shave your pits and wear a tank top in public. Well, ok, that's not celebrating your womanhood more than seeing if you will end up on a Reddit thread...
To be fair, she hasn't been relevant since 2006 anyway, so this was probably just the most recent photo they had in the 'Jessica Simpson' folder.
In all fairness, asking Tabloid TV to have a responsible handle on rape culture is like asking Tabloid TV to have a responsible handle on rape culture.
Not to be an asshole 25 miles a road trip? I live in Manhattan now and have completely lost any sense of normal-person transportation time/cost/method, but I seem to recall that being about a 30 minute drive. I'm actually genuinely asking this—is that considered a long distance for these purposes because it's…
Here's the thing: Most men don't actually buy into this. Any man comfortable with himself doesn't give a shit about how going to yoga is perceived. That's not going to stop them from going to yoga. What will stop them from going to yoga are the same things that stop everyone from going to yoga (a fear of farting in…
I like Olivia Munn and vaguely dislike Aubrey Plaza. I haven't the slightest idea why.
I don't get why people hate Olivia Munn but like Aubrey Plaza. I like them both, but they're basically the same person.
So, that begs the question. Do wives of politicians stay because they feel more pressure to do so then women in an ordinary relationship? Or is that the type of women who are more likely to survive/put up with infidelity marry the type of men who become politicians? Or is it politicians find ways of financially (or…
I have the same reactions when one of my guy friends says this to me. "I didn't really believe in feminism until I had a daughter!"
Yeah, but just because something is done to please a particular demographic doesn't mean it's not sexist.
Good can occur, but it often does not. And in other countries where athletics are kept separate from the education system and run by local sports clubs instead, the incidences of sexual violence coming from the teams is far lower, as is the hero culture at the schools that make people think that sexual assaults are…
I think it is also the hypocrisy of him prosecuting those who used prostitutes and also harshening the punishment for those who used them.
I was so caught up in the women of the show I don't think I fully realized how crappy ALL the male characters really are. No, wait, I kind of like Piper's brother. Although... he is pretty one-dimensional so far. That is interesting.
I agree. Pablo Schrieber is an amazing actor but all he gets to do is look psycho behind his stache. And Larry, did they have to make him that pathetic? A nebbishy under-employed "writer" who achieves his only success by glomming onto Piper's experience in prison? When he takes his father's paternalistic advice and…
I didn't even THINK about this, but a friend of my little sister growing up had really, really bad psoriasis all over (including her face). The dry skin doll probably would have actually helped.
How could Rolling Stone ever sully the vaunted honor that comes with being on the cover?
I hate terms like monster. He's not a monster, that makes him sound like something otherworldly or not human. He is a terrible human being who shows us some of the worst of what people can be (or, depending on your perspective, what can happen with viciously misguided youth in a fucked up world). Call him what he…
It doesn't matter if it was real or staged??
"Most of us don’t get money from our parents! Nor do we want it!"