You’re a dumb person.
You’re a dumb person.
It’s a spectacle. Nobody said you had to buy lenses to watch the eclipse the other day. You (probably) did it because it was cooler than seeing pictures of it (and It’s safe). A party with friends and two super sports important shitheads fighting is cool also. What’s a 100 bucks for a good time?
I am indeed that friend apparently.
So you’re saying don’t have a party with all your friends and instead do nothing on a Saturday night? Got it.
“@jonjones Ur a cheater head butt face.”
I wish she would just bury him. She obviously has intel (maybe not personal) but intel nonetheless.
Yo. Great take. I fuckin totally forgot about MB.
As much as I agree with moving forward, some umpires are really fucking good at their job. You can list the 3 obvious shitbags but there are many across the game that can do it right. You’ll see it when they immediately go to each other and call for a replay before a manager starts bitching. Those dudes deserve being…
Excellent question. Probably because that’s the brightest thing you can see on tv? However, with the white wrapping (if it’s indeed for limelight only), why didn’t they put some borderline “fuck off mlbpa” shit on there? Like I’d love to see fat ass West behind the dish and his taped up wrist has a giant “BALL” on it.
Nothing screams “LET’S GET RID OF HUMAN REFEREES” like a wristband dedicated to not doing your job well.
Football is a hellova drug.
Her fuel couldn’t melt steel fists.
I’m more of a 1/10 kinda commenter.
Elliot: “I’m gonna smash through that d-line no problem”
Nothing says. “I know cheese burgers” more than a contributing editor to a small sector of a large online editorial. Get fucked Chris. Its a goddamn cheeseburger. Meat, cheese, bun, condiments. You could have not been a dick and pleasantly asked if your “New fangled upside down cheese thing” was something others were…
Yo fuck Justin Gatlin.
A Yankee fan agreed. Your comment is now void.