#feelingsofullofmyself, #allaboutpositivedrama, #somemorestagedphotos, #iamteamLH, #imonaboat, #robbedatmonaconotfeelingpositive, #jensonneverfollwedme, #telemetry, #feelingpositivethatiamgoingbald, #iwasincars2, #positivepouting I can go one and on.
Anything GEO related and the Suzuki X90.
Michael Schumacher
Still a Ferrari!
Thanks for sharing. Very cool.
Lucky fella! What an opportunity!
One of the only F1 drivers that can make everyone smile or laugh with his ways about things. He is always worth discussing. Not only that he is a great race car driver.
Has anyone thought that all of this, just might be a publicity type stunt? Maybe they are covering something by making up a problem? Just thinking out loud.
Is his car invisible or something? How can you have so many close encounters?
Thanks! I ordered one right away!
WOW! Impressive!
I hate prototype production cars in games and movies. For the movies just have the actors drive cars that are around and released for purchase. It is just a thing that I personally do not like.
It's white.
A seatbelt would have kept this guy dry at least.
Where can I get that shirt?
Now this pictures shows the fuel door to the left, however the handle on the gas pump is to the right. I hate that.
It's on the right side for each of those cars. The handle on the gas pump is on the right for each of them.
The 2013 Nissan Altima is confusing with arrows. There is one in the digital display that points to the gas with how many miles you have left before empty. Then there is another arrow on the actual gas gauge. Both arrows go a different direction.
If you want the youth's to buy your stuff you have to make it affordable to them, and good looking. The base price of a 4Runner is $33,210.00 with a base TRD 4Runner you are looking at $42,195.00 Now what youth has that kind money to spend?