I'd recommend watching CommFT's TF2 Top Plays videos - they are awesome :D
I'd recommend watching CommFT's TF2 Top Plays videos - they are awesome :D
I haven't made it past S2 yet, but please tell me that sonofabitch is dead now.
Exactly. But that's why it works - they're tempted. And they think the police aren't on to them, but then they realize their dealer / middleman was a policeman, and then it's all over. :p
This. It's like how in White Collar Neal encourages people to try and break the law, so they can arrest them. They get cocky and do it, and well they get arrested.
This is basically what I do for games like this and DKC. Makes them near-perfect, and the HD quality is gorgeous :D
Aye, although in the US here they also team up with Sprint so you'll see the exact same phone / plan with Sprint branding as well.
I feel like I'm Tom Hanks and this phone is Wilson, that's how poorly it's supported. But 25$ a month phone bill and unlimited text / web / 300 minutes makes it worth it. And it's hackable :p
I was about to say, they're like the light bulb in a glass cube thinkgeek sells, and those aren't all that bright. It would take a UV light to get the most brightness, IIRC.
Sounds like we could be related XD
Well that's obviously what makes Journey so great.
They are?
How big of a DDR fan are you, if I may ask?*
I just had a thought:
I'm betting on the "so bad it's good" category. :p
As a huge DDR fan back in the day, part of me wants to see this.
Dawn of the final day.
Yeah, but you gotta remember people will knock a product for the most inane reasons. I would kill for this though - no outlet to usb cable power loss, etc. It's beautiful.
Your phone being immobile while charging. That's the biggest thing that comes to mind.
I don't think that's right, but a lot of companies will use whatever reasoning they can to maximize their profits.