Hear hear. I like the comment system the way it is :/
Hear hear. I like the comment system the way it is :/
I remember a lot of the Anime I used to watch was exactly the same way.
I've grown enough of a pair to enjoy a story for what it is, and not for what I want it to be.
You know, part of me felt the same way when I read Order 66 in Karen Traviss' Republic Commandos series. I was so invested in the characters after 3 novels, then the ending left me completely blindsided. After a day though, I came to realizations that it was a very well-written ending, and while it wasn't how I…
Friggin' heartclicked.
And that's why both of you are heartclicked XD
Looks good. I guess if it can make .ISOs I can use it for my XBMC DVD ripping...
It's... Beautiful.
I'm most definitely going to be offering awesome congrats to COTD posts - but someone else will have to be Kotaku's $kaycog XD
That's great to know :D
I got the collection as my 20th birthday gift on the day it came out (my birthday) - but I still haven't had time to play it yet. It tasks me...
They would use Love and Loss by Two Steps from Hell... XD
I'm assuming a massive gravitational pull, since it's smaller than brooklyn but packs half a million times more mass than earth.
I feel like I missed out since I joined like right after the summer of '10...
I wish all soda was like this. But it'd make parties a bit more interesting :p
Whenever I end up at TB, I never go for the sour cream. They always add waaaaaaaay too much. But these aren't that bad, to be honest. Once in a while.
Ah ouch man. Sorry to hear that first endeavor didn't work out, but hey it happens. The lady friend I'm currently courting is very old-fashioned / reserved (as am I), and I told her she's a girl worth waiting for, so we're just taking things slow and seeing if there's actual relationship potential before continuing…
I saw it in 3D the night it came out. Everyone who said the original was better was a freaking hipster. I work in IT to pay for my college, and while I adore the first one for what it was back in the day, as well as the jokes, but I'll be darned if I don't prefer LEGACY for the visuals / somewhat more coherent story /…
True - nothing wrong with being a gentleman, and being around once in a while. Just don't think it's your "responsibility", nor let her use you as a "crutch". Don't let her treat you like you're the bus stop and she's looking for her next ride, especially if you might want something more than just brownie points with…