I'm sorry, but the tag you added plus the comment made me snicker. XD
I can only count a dozen or so screens, but that's mostly due to the monitor blocking the monitor when it swings by. But still, clever idea.
Exactly. As an Engineering student, there are days when I literally am frightened to be on the road because I think to myself "Holy crap. I'm driving almost 3 tons of metal, combustibles, and moving parts, and so is every one else around me. Can I trust them with my life?"
Well, that's due in part to their root system. Remember, the tree isn't just standing up based on what's above ground, but what's under it as well. Which means each root also helps disperse the contact force, and when you think about it those roots are pretty packed in underground.
This. So many times I have seen 'Vettes, Ferraris, Astons, and Maseratis in my town being driven by, well let's just say people I could easily outdrive were I in the same car. They go from automotive engineering marvels to simple trophy cars in the hands of awful drivers.
Do they have to fight for it? :p
Didn't even know there was such a documentary. Will do :D
Haha, I've mentioned to many a friend how in this day and age, convienence is a commodity. Thank you for convincing me I'm not crazy :p
Exactly. What I'll do is make a list of things / services I'm interested in, and a high / low value I'd be willing to spend for / on each. When a deal for that particular item falls within my range, then I'll go for it. If not, I might snoop around for a deal every so often, but if it's not close to what I'm willing…
Here's a video example I took a while back. Note that the effects aren't as good from an angle, but it basically takes a sample of what's on screen, and then transmits that to a series of LEDs mounted on the back of my monitor, to provide a bit more immersion and a bit more color to the screen.
Very excited about this. Even more so when I'll get to play it in HD via Dolphin, with my ambient lighting :D
Haha, my PC case is like that. USB ports on the front are oriented upside down for some reason.
Lordy, I couldn't get those skinny jeans past my calves, let alone my thighs. And I'm not overweight. I just exercise and practice karate.
Funny random tidbit:
Buying this and Xenoblade for my Dolphin build :D
Has anyone gotten a GW2 beta key yet?
Have you tried blending it? That might make it work...
This this this this this.
That stuff always burns my tounge. I hate having to drink it before it was cool.