I look at the gear you guys use and realize:
I look at the gear you guys use and realize:
Just popping in between school and work to say my Valentine's Operation today was a success :D
Replying to promote.
If the kid was polite and didn't break things, I'd say keep him there. People buy more stuff when they see people having fun in the store anyways. I'd always walk into a TRU looking for an exclusive item and see it full of nothing but whiny brats. A kid like that would've made me think otherwise.
That is beyond depressing. Sounds like both parents had to work to make ends meet.
Oh wow, that Ranka one is just amazing.
You win, good sir or madam.
Don't you mean Suck it up?
How is it at taking photos of in-motion subjects while minimizing blur? That's really what I'm looking for in my next camera.
Youtube will sometimes geographically content block things too - I know I can't easily get to the BBC IT Crowd episodes on youtube, living in the US.
Hmm, I might look into this then.
Hey, if she doesn't know how to fix it, you can save the day and spend a nice evening debugging her PC for her :p
I would look up the XKCD "I looked up a guide to sex" comic, but I'm at work right now :p
My mom swears by this stuff. Works wonders for when your sink / shower get a bit too nicked up. Just don't use it daily, cause it's abrasive like the article said :p
That doesn't sound like quitting so much as it sounds like a tactical retreat :p
Haha, that made me laugh so much.
As an American, this sortof offends me.
Buying all of these. Normally I don't buy figures, but I just love these games too darn much.