
That's alotta Rice Krispie treats!!

Satan has a Va-jj ?

I think it's this guy:

Very cool blog. Keep it up!

What. Nothing on their design team? Oh...Pre-school had already let out for the day.

Be careful on the should be off it soon no? glad your still with us and Jalopnik 5.0.

I accidentally pulled the front clip off of a really rusted out 78 once. Unbeknown to me at the time (17 y/o tire jockey) I lifted the car off of the ground via the side rails. The frame mounts and bolt were so rusted they failed. the front end stayed on the ground and the rest of the car went up. Only ended up

PCH was great . I miss Murilee.

I hoped they tazed the mofo.

Holy Shit. Somebody around here remembers The Jalopnik Fantasy Garage. Nice.

Well played........should have said "wing"

Well said.

That's all I have to say. I'm talking about Jewel, not Ray's Mother. I never met Mrs.Wert , I swear.

she's prego

Nick Hogan called........he wants his spoiler back.

I love technology, Civil disobedience and Kick-Ass Cop Tahoes!!

I approve of this one.

Ohhh Snap!!

Others have done worse.