
Sorry. Can't read this article. My eyes are being raped by all this Toyota advertising.

"Holy Shit!!" (crash) eeeerrrrrrrr classic

Well it's not April 1st. Cirlce of Life my friends. Nice to see you back Mike.

@my2doctors: Well, at least one childhood actor found the Lord and not Heroin..

This "bro" shit it out of control.

One would think since they are only allowed to have one daughter that these accidents would be cut in half. Something is wrong here. Too bad they don't know how to speed, would have made the video much better.Alright, so it's one child. Only being allowed only one daughter works better for me.

At least they can afford a DynoJet. Who knew?

I wish my BMW dealership had a track to test drive on. hhmmmff.

Always make sure it's previous owner wasn't a Rental Car Company.

Damn right....bitches...that's how we roll.

Used this 2 years in row now. All the grease laden vapors and my chain still looks brand-new. Just wish the rest of my Cherry picker looked so good.

If you are driving any of these vehicles being recalled. You shouldn't be reproducing anyways.

@vic06: Awww Charlie bit me!!


I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Spitfires! Virginia really is for Lovers!!

Congratulations. Awesome COTD