
This sucks...He was one funny Fat Dude.

Poor excuse for a relative of the Dragon. He was no where near the tailpipe. On the other hand, he knew it was a Toyota and began moving towards the head of the car. Why? Because he knows Toyota's suck!

Man there were alot of skidmarks in those pics. I bet there's even bigger and stinkier ones in his shorts.

This guy is the brother of his cousin's second wife's half-brother who owns the now famous Silver Charger.

@FromaBuick6: Once again another great one-liner from TBL. Thanks!

Who is REALLY this good with photoshop?

I just threw up in my mouth.

After watching that CNBC video, I have one question? Where's Wert?

I take all my old gas from over the winter and pour it all over my trash in my burn barrel. Black smoke...thick black smoke.

" an unnamed person who they believe was in the car with Swedish game machine entrepreneur Stefan Eriksson."

I'm glad I sent this to Ray and the rest of the gang lastnight. seriously? <—— feeling unappreciated.

I've already found the bumpercover and other pieces up for auction on Ebay. Witnesses say it was Swedish millionaire Stefan Eriksson as a passenger!

So young.... RIP Brother

It's good to see Barack's brother finally got the Chrome Mustang he always wanted.

What Do You Wish Your Significant Other Drove?

I've watch this clip like 4 times.....When does something catastophic and hilarious happen? jeez..