
Title says it all! Great one.

"Can't touch this"

I like the shot of it's ass end. There's even room for 4 Dragons.

Sure looks alot like the Equinox too me. I remember Cadillac doing this back in the 80's. You remember. When they put Caddy emblems all over a Cavalier and call it a Cimarron.

Boy, He showed her who's in charge. She looks like a real Bee-otch! Pay off my loans now Whore!

Sold on the chain steering wheel. You know a Mexican was a previous Owner.

If I had 10 grand and an old Fiero I could probaby just build a nice replica.

Nice drivin Tex.

My God Murilee...I can't believe this island actually exists!

Eat the Rich....Eat the Rich...Lemmie

Matt, you apparently need to expand the list from 10 to about lets say 30? Also, you need to let us pick more than just one car. I mean come on...This is like going to Baskin Robbins and only picking one flavor of Ice Cream. it just can't be done.

Do I have to smile back at this car? It's always smiling! Looks like a Presidential Canidate!

Now all I can fantasize about is either those two in a pillow fight or seeing them kiss and make up.....MMmmmm

WOW who needs POLAR when you have Graverobber. Nice work

You know, I've pee'd on alot of cars and trucks in my life.

I almost got out of a ticket when I was pulled over by a Cop in a Charger. I asked him if I could take a picture of his Charger because it was new at the time. He said "yes" and "yes" to the ticket.

"That'll Buff right out"..

@tenbeers: It's too bad we can't add our own captions under each photo..Now THAT would be true entertainment!

You got to be F'n kidding me right? Is it April Fool's Day?