
You can Hot Rod the shit out of the Volvo!

Baja Bugs are sooo sweet!. They are so 70's Scooby Dooish!

I have owned one Vespa in my life and I was 14 and it was a Moped. I swore to myself when I turned 16 I would never ...ever...own another Vespa. Gentlemen..I stand by my word.Give me the half-earth swallowed Merc.

God Bless the City of Brotherly Love. The Snow Belt Region. Rock Salt, and 1971..were gonna have us some fun!

I hope you didn't let Ray drive.(He kind of likes the sauce)if you know what I mean.Especially when it involves big crowds and lots-o-cars.

Murliee,how did you get the tree air-freshener in that pic.priceless.

Travis, you are kicking some major ass today with all your Posts. Good Job Man....Good Job.Whatever happened to that Chick (Laura) that works here?

What makes the Rolls even worse is it looks as if there was an engine fire at one time.Maybe. The windshield even looks a little blackened...Still sucks.

@Rishi: Isn't this why contractors who use Pick-Ups now just add a fuel surcharge to their customer invoices? Cost of doing business.

Sexy...was that Oil or Tranny fluid? Cars don't bleed (blood) silly.

You lost me at Truck & Hybrid. I just don't think those two words can go together.Most people who purchase Pick Up Trucks do not buy them for how many MPG's they get. They buy them for their usefulness.

Ha Ha Shrimp on the Barbie...Good One.

Wow, I never knew they did bicycles too.

I heard they bought the "Cliff Notes" on how to plagerize a cool website like Jalopnik on ebay. For alot-o-money too.

"I'm rich Bitch"....famous words heard from Carroll Shelby and Dave Chappelle

Oh the Impulse..on a Impulse. Just for the fact that both sides of the car could be compltely Thrashed! I'll take my chances instead of owning some Beaners P'up.

Why can't we build cars as durable as a tree?

Well they say there is a first time for everything.