
I saw “Paths of Glory” when it came out. I think I was was in junior high, or early high school, at the most.

While I didn’t have a fear of anyone close to me being potentially involved in the attacks, I don’t ever remember having the feeling of “togetherness” or “we are one,” it was just pure, unadulterated shock, disbelief and sadness.

The drunks in the stands at NFL games are all murderers and degenerates.

Material witness holds are actual things, though. That she is a victim of alleged (probably) sexual assault is unfortunate, but that doesn’t change that these are used to hold unreliable witnesses in almost all jurisdictions often. It’s not extra rape punishment.

Actually, Mr. President, it’s the way free speech works. The way democracy works is that a person goes to the polls and votes for whoever’s war chest funded the most catchy ad campaign in the previous six months.

I used to drive through a few places like that when I commuted a couple of days each week to teach on the res in Gallup.

A Crimson Tide lifts all boats.

He doesn’t need to fall far in order to lose a bunch. Currently he’s looking at $25 million rookie contract, which is essentially guaranteed barring major injury or screw up. If he slipped even to #8 the number drops to $16 million, using this years #8 pick as a reference. #10? $15 million. It’s a steep decline from

Nailed it.

Guess like 99.99% of the population, you’ve never been to Isle Royale. That’s ok, it makes it better for those of us who love it

He won the World Championships last year. How is it coming out of nowhere? Because you didn’t know that?

Hot Take (for real tho): This is the most impressive record set at the Olympics

Yeah like this guy needed another gaff announcing swimming

Literally every person I’ve seen talking shit about Kaine knows nothing about him.

You are correct. Much as people whine about them, the NRA was like #239 on Open Secrets as a political donor. They spend a lot more on lobbying and “outside spending” (which I interpret as ad buying), but they’re not buying anybody outright.

Sorry if I have to be “that guy” but what I just watched is disgusting and never would have happened in the old days. It’s just not right and has no place in baseball.

Some would say tattooing such a small child is irresponsible, but I say go for it if she’s already got the mustache.

I’m assuming from the discussion that the bill dealt with civil restraining orders- the burden for getting one is preponderance of the evidence. There’s really no mechanism for appealing civil restraining orders, so I have seen some really wacky criminal charges stemming from violations of civil RO’s, including a

The vote was to allow his group to purchase it for fair market value ($18-20 million) for a less traveled pothole ridden rode. Unfortunately this article didn’t cover that part of it.…

That is why most TV providers don't do a la carte channel selection. It sounds nice, but we all would pay the same $100+ plus for a dozen channels instead of everyone paying $100+ plus for all of them.