
Not sure whether the broken link or the fixed GIF is more accurately descriptive of Aresenal's situation to date since last season.

Keep 'em coming, Doug.

I used to ump LL games. There was a kid who ended up being a good AA prospect before he blew out his shoulder that would throw ungodly stuff that made kids bail out just like this. The worst part was listening to all the parents 10 feet behind me who were absolutely pissed when I was ringing up their kids, as if I

Tell me about it. The only thing is, my program guide said the game would be replayed on ESPN tonight, so I didn't record the damned thing. Now I'm stuck with Mexico/Ivory Coast which wouldn't be terrible, if not for the fact that I know what I missed.

BHTM is always a great live show.

One thing people are overlooking a bit is that at this point in the game, Clint is going to have a hard time finding a fit with a bigger team where he will also be guaranteed lots of playing time. That's really important, because it's really important to Klinsmann. I'm pretty sure Clint doesn't want to spend the

Wheeling Neil Diamond out there says it all about MLB's demographics at this point. The impending Biogenesis fallout shitstorm should just about kill off the rest of the younger fanbase who have no time for all the pearl-clutching. And I say this as a guy who is heavily involved in a baseball fan-site.

"Red Light Photo Enforcement Program" was the name of my never-launched get-rich-quick scheme involving business travelers to Amsterdam.

It's noteworthy that on the same day the NBC affiliate in Fairbanks broadcast the second part of its three-part series on how to avoid getting mixed up in a Ponzi scheme.

Had no idea MLB was putting its ushers through the NFL's concussion protocol training program.

Will be interested to see what he can do against Major League competition.

I'm pretty sure they made a sitcom out of this premise back in the 80s.

Exactly. There is probably a lot more that people who really investigated this guy know or strongly suspect, but nothing that warrants/supports public airing. Sure, there is pearl-clutching going on about the weed edging-close-to-stereotype stuff with regard to his associations. At the bottom of it all though was a

Not news, but we also have some of the crappiest internet. USA!

While I generally agree, I think the statement is overbroad. While it's always a good idea to be really careful in what you say with respect to an investigation, if you can provide the police with truthful, actual airtight proof of non-involvement in the case at hand it's almost always in your interest to do so.

I just read Leroy's Revenge for a second time. People rarely write like that anymore, and it's a damned shame.

Yes, the environment has changed, but I'd argue not as much as if did in the 10 years receding the story. The tragedy was extensively covered. It was, among other things, the cover story on Sports Illustrated. It was not some obscure thing that nobody heard about.

Can you imagine such a thing happening in today's media culture?

Not sure what the point is. So if everything goes, does that mean you're cheering the fact that schools and street agents will be able to take even greater advantage of college kids? Or do you expect that suddenly the invisible hand of the free market will allow these kids to take full advantage of all that they

Watch yourself. That's also a description of 37% of the Deadspin commentariat.