Thrawn, rightfully, thinks the Death Star is a hideous waste of time and resources.
Thrawn, rightfully, thinks the Death Star is a hideous waste of time and resources.
It bothered me when they gave Asajj Ventress pupils, too.
Shut up, I’m not crying, you’re crying!
Looks like another appearance by the Imperial Raider from the X-wing miniatures game.
Is it just the photo, or does that look like way brighter orange than what we saw on the screen?
You say that like it’s somehow a bad thing.
I had an uncle that worked on Skyraiders in Vietnam. The grease fittings in the big radial engines leaked so much by that point that the planes had to be regreased before every flight, and that was the practical limit on their endurance, not fuel.
Irrespective of opinion of Tara Strong, I would be totally down with hearing the Fierstein Harley.
I hadn’t thought about the Chris Parnell angle. Has he gotten a big series part somewhere?
He said 1998.
Does someone have a better “that’s the joke” picture than the Simpsons one? Should we just use that?
Missile defenses don’t have to be 100% effective to still be worth doing, just like air defenses that can’t stop every single attacking aircraft are still worth having. The goal is complicating an adversary’s planning, not invulnerability.
Wait, I haven’t been on Eve Online in years—the Blood Raiders’ ships are just reskinned Amarr?
What did young people ever do to you?
Came here to post F-16XL pictures, but discovered my work here is already done.
Why are people getting so worked up about the details of a Power Rangers movie, of all th—OH GOD THIS IS WHAT I SOUND LIKE TO OTHER PEOPLE WHEN I TALK ABOUT THINGS I LIKE, ISN’T IT?
I want a fleet slugging match where the capital ship firepower matters more than starfighter pilot heroism.
Aubrey Plaza is the true star of everything.