Does no one remember all the grain elevator explosions in the Seventies?
Does no one remember all the grain elevator explosions in the Seventies?
The Eagles were possibly the only redeeming parts of the show. I'll second this one.
Whedon isn't the right choice for this.
Sick of Hondo? He's the most likeable character this season.
Classic: adj. Something you've possibly heard of before.
I would claim an essential distinction between "fighting" and "torture" in this case: the kids didn't have the pirates at their mercy, nor were they attempting to coerce them.
Corollary: Everything is Yoda's fault.
I was thinking more in reaction to being Triana-dumped.
At least for the moment, gasoline's energy density is much higher than any existing or in-development battery technology. The problem with getting rid of fossil fuel engines is that they're terrifyingly efficient, from an engineering perspective.
Is it still "warmongering" when your job is to actually fight an ongoing war?
The number of positive replies to this make me weep for the future.
"You must disagree with authority figures" is a truism? "Any surplus is immoral" is a truism?
That wasn't why the military didn't pursue the idea. Both the Hiller Flying Platform and Piasecki Airgeep flew perfectly well, but they had a cost-per-unit and vulnerability to small arms problem.
Even the book covers tend to substitute traditional batwings for the kind described in the books.
There is apparently no bottom to the market for antiauthoritarian, antiestablishment revenge fantasies.
Nuclear pulse drives are the only technology that actually exists that would free us from lengthy Hohmann transfer orbits. It's do-able with fission, too. Project Orion lives!
The visual design of the spacesuits probably has some connection to the suits from Alien.