Because misogyny and wanting to deny women’s sexual agency.
The same reason why violence against women can only rated R by the MPAA but consensual sex showing women’s pleasure is much harsher. See also that “8th Grade”, a movie about being a teenaged girl in modern times, last year was given an R rating for fucks’

Everyone sits there for a “trail” about someone killing Dany’s father and listens to her “righteous” anger and her brother’s violent revenge fantasies, but no one mentions that Dany’s father killed Sansa’s grandfather and uncle by torturing them both to death?

I’m so sorry to have burdened you.


I’d be OK with that. Your peers are wrong, though. :)

Really? The fact that Rey was “no one,” child of two drunk junkers, but ended up saving the day and standing up to the chosen son of the great Skywalker lineage, didn’t really sell that? Or the trajectory-altering heroism displayed by rank-and-filers like Rose and her sister? Or the image at the end of the film in

There is a lack of Tetris 99 on this list and I am sad now okay thanks. 

ah, the Contrarians have logged on

Mulaney is a national treasure. You just have to adjust to his delivery cadence. I happen to love it. It’s almost “old timey.” 

Oh, absolutely! If Anthem was a Square game, they could scrap the half-baked choice thing and nobody would be batting an eye. Honestly, they should’ve scrapped the thing and played the dialogues straight, IMO.

I actually love coming back between missions and talking to all the weird NPCs. I think their dialogue is pretty fun (sexy fun) and don’t really care if it doesn’t “add up to something” down the line. I obviously don’t want it to be like real life, where I meet dozens of people a day whom I will never care about or

“You Nintendo fan boys” are the worst, this is how you get a bimbo Samus and a crap durability system in BOTW.

That’s a yikes. If you believe all that stuff you just said, you’re terribly misinformed. It’s not up to Reggie how to design Samus, or write her story. Reggie is also not singlehandedly responsible for clearing or dismissing a new game idea. He doesn’t come up with all the game ideas and go around telling the

More like he feels like he can leave confident that the company is stronger than ever with a bright future ahead. Lesser men would have left during the Wii U doomsaying days, but he stuck through it because damned if he was going to leave on that note.

While it is a possibility, I don’t understand why people cannot believe that idea that at 60, someone who worked his ass all his life would like to retire and enjoy life outside of work. It’s as if everybody’s looking for a reason for his departure other than, he’s tired and deserve time off.

Maybe, I don’t know. But criticizing a style of comedy is a reasonable thing, the critiques in this article are nonsense. 

Or maybe it’s that the world simply doesn’t need another navel-gazing comedy about the “struggle” of straight white male comedians right now.

If you’ve never checked it out, Seinfeld2000 is amazing because it’s A). completely batshit insane and B). the guy who runs it has a genuine knack for spotting links between today’s pop culture and a 25-year old TV show.

I think the author is playing pretty fast and loose with what constitutes a “great” job, internet.