Hemingway, the myth and the writing, will always hold a special place in my heart, even if he was already seen as the problematic symbol of the American “canon” even back when I was a writing major in ‘95.
Hemingway, the myth and the writing, will always hold a special place in my heart, even if he was already seen as the problematic symbol of the American “canon” even back when I was a writing major in ‘95.
“I’m Ernest Hemingway and now I am going to eat this cat.”
As a teacher, I must say:
May she be eating the absolute pants off some shrimp, forever & ever. RIP, Mrs. Walter.
“Get rid of the Seaward.” -Michael to Gob
Jessica, get your things - we’re leaving...before this shitty website burns to the ground...
Do you want death notices that bum me out?
I’ll take a little bit of solace in knowing she passed at home, instead of in some bar-less hospital…
I don’t understand this post and won’t respond to it.
I remember when Rerun got caught trying to illegally record the Doobie Brothers concert.
Yep. Ocean’s 11 has arguably the most charm and swagger per second of runtime of any movie in the last 30 years.
“Waiting, sweetheart, just waiting!” became an inside joke in my family. “I’m gonna get out of the truck and drop you like third period French!”
It’s also really surprisingly funny. And fuck it’s cast is good.
Ocean’s 11 holds up like a motherfucker. It’s just so effortless and charming and silly.
It’s like someone made a movie out of We Didn’t Start The Fire.
“What if we took Zelig, but made it about a mentally disabled goy?”