Chamomiles Davis

Nixonland makes the very persuasive case that Richard Goatfucker Nixon almost singlehandedly (he was greatly aided by Ronald Goddamn Reagan) created the politics we have now, and as it is deliberately premised on dividing Americans against one another and nursing grievances, it’s going to be at least another

I often get the impression that it is built into the nature of our system’s power structures that we must leave the reigns open for anyone at all to seize — and that this is a profound mistake, as it effectively guarantees rule by the power-hungry, greedy and ruthless.

Reading Perlman’s trilogy on the rise of the conservative political movement makes me wonder how we’ve ever advanced at all. No gains are ever permanent or fundamentally alter the landscape; there will always be self-righteous assholes still kicking and screaming against the ideas of equality and being decent to one

I need to stop doing this because it ultimately doesn’t matter but...

“Get fucked”

I get into this habit of giving lots of stars here, then I run into a comment like this that makes me Literally LOL (LLOL). Makes me want to scroll up and delete most of those other stars. I’m gonna remember “Magic Divot”

yeah 15 seconds was pretty fuckin brief 

Dammit, kinja.

I've had a long day, and this is so dumb I can't stop giggling at it. 

Better is his coaching tree is more successful than him too. 3 conference champs. 2 Super Bowls.

Caption: “We’re all just blades of grass, when you really think about it.”

I wouldn’t call it a career. Usually when you have a career, you get paid for doing something, and usually it’s in money, not Atlantic City boardwalk arcade machine tickets.

At least he looks like he’s having fun out there. That’s all we can really ask for from this guy. 

Someone photoshop 50ShadesOfJimGray’s avatar in their please

Believe in Something. Even when he can’t complete anything.

Pictured: McDermott reviewing tape of Peterman

Sean McDermott: “I don’t feel a need, honestly, to elaborate [on my decision].”

But is it a sandwich?