I want to have your abortion
I want to have your abortion
I haven’t been fucked like that since grade school.
Father Julio Jones: [comes home]
Father Julio Jones: [hangs up coat]
Father Julio Jones: [slumps onto recliner]
Father Julio Jones: Kevvvin Kelllllly.
Mother Julio Jones: Kevin Kelly?
Father Julio Jones: Kevin Kelly Kevin Kelly. Kevin Kelly Kevin Kelly Kevvvvin Kelllly Kevin Kelly Kevin Kelly.
Mother Julio Jones: [nerv…
“Kevin Kelly, everybody. Kevin Kelly.
Kellys ranked:
In death, a member of Project Mayhem has a name.
I love Twitter roasting the idea of arming teachers. My favorite comment so far was something along the lines of “You won’t buy them pencils, but now you got budget for Glocks?”.
Please explain to me how meeting with Trump is different that meeting with a child.
But, as the first response to this tweet noted, “But summers off!”
“Trust me, nothing good will come from meeting local kids.” - Marco Rubio
Cuban didn’t support Evans, say he was a really good guy, deflect blame, or try to weasel out of it. Also, I don’t think Cuban has a history of assaulting women himself, sooo.... he’s definitely not presidential material.
No he would have to be engage in abusive behavior.
Needs to blatantly lie and blame Obama for everything more often. Now that is the makings of a president.
I already have it preordered
But I can say that the last two years we’ve been in a very committed relationship with our sport.
A game of horse between Philly and Colt seems like an even matchup.
The nearest orthopedist.
I’ll believe Andrew Luck is healthy when I see him play, and maybe not even then
Oh, hello, American investor. I see you are interested in distributing Bitcoiin2Gen in you home prefecture. You have chosen wisely. But please - don’t believe me. Observe this commercial.
I better check with the Nigerian prince that manages my money before I invest.