yeah its you ;) I feel super excited about thi batman game. The first one was one of my all time favorite. And this one have a dark and desesperate tone to the story that I cannot wait to play.
yeah its you ;) I feel super excited about thi batman game. The first one was one of my all time favorite. And this one have a dark and desesperate tone to the story that I cannot wait to play.
yes it is
my brain hurt
My daughter do exactly the same thing but never touch ipad.
Is this a modified version of the KICK ASS song?
I saw the Pirates of Silicon Valley and I cannot be mad with this man.
same here
Enhance with "Disney" music. ;)
BBC2 have so many problems ... I agree with him in some regard. Theirs a lot of things done wrong in this game. That I feel ashame to play it some time. And when I play CoD it feels right but CoD doesnt have vehicules or environement destructions that are great in Battlefield. I miss so much the time of BF 42 ans BF2…
an engine just for the fire :P ;). 3 things make me thing that I will hate some stuffs like : The flash light (not realistic in day time seem no fun), the sniper reflection google (could be cool only to spot sniper if the sniper is in prone position, and the biggest thing I willl definitly HATE!! The knife that you…
Wow the FIRE is AMAZING!!!
Its exactly the same menu that Battlefield Bad Company 2 (im level 28 so im not new to BBC2), but with new skin!! Not very exciting :( sad
I dont have any probleme with and xbox live
Its important to understand that those videos are from the DEV KIT, low res for only checking the BUGS
Canada rock!!
There should be only 4 buttons on this cockpit. Lower Gear (dont botter with up), Radio On/Off, Detatch from the tank and Eject