
I seem to recall when cell phones started to receive attention over how difficult it was to repair or replace parts.. many, many “fanboys” came to the company’s defense saying it’s needed to keep the phone thin. No doubt the same type of fanboys will rush to Google’s defense.

I recall once reading that Earthquakes are the only natural disasters in this world that don’t actually kill people. When I pointed that out to a group of people... they went crazy and talked about all the people that died. But it was pointed out that every death was from the result of “man-made objects” and

People who feel the need to use profanity/foul language with every other word or sentence lose any credibility...

They really need to come out with a dual /sport or Bike.

Actually, it doesn’t. Means you like using “toys”.

Actually, it doesn’t. Means you like using “toys”.

So far not a single person suggested any products. Instead, it seems everyone just made negative comments about you shouldn’t use one.

So far not a single person suggested any products. Instead, it seems everyone just made negative comments about you

They say the same exact thing about gravies and sauces... the meat is so dry you need the liquid.

They say the same exact thing about gravies and sauces... the meat is so dry you need the liquid.

That only works in the movies. In real life... you say that to someone.. they’ll say ok... chat with you for a couple of days to give you the impression they’re ok with things... then they’ll slowly push you out of their life... It always seems to happen that way.

Making an accusation like that.. especially since you are NOT a Medical Professional... can get you into trouble and sued for libel.

Doesn’t always work. A few years ago some lady hit me and I decided to try to go thru HER insurance company. Well... they pretty much laughed at me and refused to take me seriously without an attorney. You pretty much have to go through your own insurance company.

Might be worth it if it includes seasonal items like their Pecan Pie.

AOL will forever be known as the company that destroyed my beloved ICQ. They give priority to AIM and pretty much caused ICQ to deteriorate.

“Like all grocery stores, if prices are lowered someplace, prices are raised someplace else.”

I would be more worried about a man who “does stuff” like that to achieve sex... and also, those are the types of men women should avoid.

I’ve done a couple of these.. I recall buying the X-Ray specs as a kid and I did have fun with them. I also ordered one of those Workout programs. I seem to recall paying like $12 or something... and receiving a set of books. Funny this is... I believe I still have them somewhere with my comics.

I can think of a lot of sites that could use a feature like that.