
What really got me was when menma's mother started blaming them for her dead, having the weight of that claim can't be an easy thing.

September 10. Got it memorized?

Likewise. This review was more than interesting enough to make me wish to see it, so I'm quite envious that you'll get to go see the film.

AnoHana is possibly my favorite anime of all time, I'm very excited to hear how the movie turned out!

I have my ticket already in hand and will be watching the movie tomorrow morning. So it's safe to expect a movie review next week.

One of a kind =/= worth thousands.

I love the retro style of it, anyone who has been an anime fan for long will quickly realize that we haven't seen this type of romance in several years.

Confusion with Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai perhaps.

Well, it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to know how to use this thing.

This is definitely the sketchiest part of the game. As a kid I'd be delighted by the surprise of discovering which discs I got from a blind pack. Same way I liked the surprise of getting a random assortment of baseball cards from a pack when I was a kid. But as an adult, I see this layered on top of the Skylanders toy

I can see episode now "I was just trying to get his power disc..." "excuse me? his power dick? what kinda sicko are you!"

I actually just pre-ordered this the other day for Wii-U.... I'm not too excited about the blind packs either, as the people who I'd have to trade with would be about 15 or so years younger than I am :/

That picture is terribly innacurrate. Women have been saying "What about my needs" since the dawn of time.

Played through 3 times without a single bug here. As someone who has worked on games for the PS3 perhaps I can expand upon what's going on here. Naughty Dog uses a very complicated streaming system for most of the assets in their games. They store immediately necessary stuff on the first layer as much as possible

Weird, I never experienced any bugs at all. I mean not one. Not that auto save thing, or any visual glitches whatsoever. perhaps I got lucky.

You could do this on the PS3 now, so no reason why the PS4 can't do it too.


First thing that came to mind...and I can't apologize enough for this...