
Looking forward to the review, you lucky bastard!

I'm glad you noted the stuff they put in there regarding Menma's family. Without a doubt one of the moments that hit me hardest was when Menma's brother says something along the lines of "I grew two inches this year Mum, did you even realise?".

Have you never heard of dick twins? Everyone has one, somewhere in the world.

Completely agree with you. I was going to make a more profound point along these lines, but I was in a hurry.

One of a kind =/= worth millions.

The Metro is a free paper you get on the tube in London... I wouldn't expect much thought from them on the content of their articles, let alone the placement of their ads.

This is actually a really great bit of business from Microsoft. The FIFA series is absolutely massive here and I know a huge number of people who would be completely swayed by this. They should maybe throw in some Gold Packs for ultimate team or something and they'll hook in a lot of people.

Yeah, that's definitely what I'm enjoying about it. Reminds me of older style romance where there was less of a focus on 20 girls all being in love with the MC and something more realistic. I really like the art style too, I feel the anime has kept to the style of the manga perfectly.

Not sure where you heard it was a continuation - it's the first full series it's had (it had 2 OVAs a while ago). I really like it, although clearly I might not be in like company with that...

Kimi no Iru Machi not get a mention? It's a nice break from the standard harem romance which are fairly predictable. I know the manga has been popular for years so most people are familiar with it, but I think it's doing a good job of following the manga and I like the way they've chosen to start in Tokyo.

Water dispensers like these are a diamond dozen where I'm from.

I was initially pulled into this series because I really liked the atmosphere, but after about 4/5 episodes I just found the story way too convoluted and they just threw things at you with no explanation whatsoever. I liked the characters and the setting, I just felt like the story was too overwhemling considering how

~ Donald Trump 2k13

I swear that is the same as almost every song about sex. You can read into it as rapey if you want, just sounds like a load of shit to me.

Thanks for the explanation mate. Interesting to know.

I would take any of the PS1 era FFs remade in HD, retranslated (obviously keeping the plot the same) and with voice acting. Add in trophies, re-recorded soundtrack and maybe some new sidequests and they can have not just some, but all of my money.

Wasn't aware of that, do they transfer the game audio over bluetooth then?

Has there been any word on whether or not you can listen to the game audio through the headphone jack on the controller? Because that right there, would be pimp.

I'm not really a big achievement hunters, but the single player games I enjoy enough to play through again for trophies (Uncharted 2/3, Resistance 2), I was annoyed to find multiplayer trophies. I think it works better like the Call of Duty or Halo system where they have a whole separate system of achievement for the

Because there's always a few very basic trophies for multiplayer which I need to get the platinum trophy. Worst one was Resistance 2 - 10,000 kills. I didn't even bother.