
You enjoying it? Good game to avoid if you're avoiding timesinks - by the far biggest one I've ever played. I'll upload the wallpapers when I get home later on for you.

I used to be like you, had hundred of wallpapers changing every few minutes but I just found it too distracting for something I don't look at that often. Nowadays I prefer to just settle on one amazing one and keep it for a few weeks.

Got a whole bunch of great ones from Xenoblade. I'll upload them somewhere if anyone is interested.

As a Newcastle fan, in this current situation I would like to counter that with FTV.

Haha I used to live in York and I'm pretty sure there were Hulk attacks twice a week.

Are the controllers going to be wireless? That's pretty much a necessity for me.

No Artbook for the EU release unfortunately. Also we get it 3 days later. Why must you punish me S-E??

To be fair to the Starbucks employee, she's proved herself to be a complete vagina.

You had me worried for a brief second there and had me questioning what I remembered of the DLC, which was that it was a shadow of the original game and then it was never continued and therefore completely worthless.

My problem with Android is that if I shoot at it with a 50 cal it disintergrates and is no longer useable.

I'm honoured you took the time to respond to me almost a month after I posted this. Thanks for your eloquent words and kind sentiments. Unfortunately I don't play Call of Duty, nor do I go to the cinema thus I don't really consume any Jewish faeces.

Why does this game need DLC? Surely games such as this where the story is the main component are the kind that do not need DLC because everything should be covered in main game. Are they going to leave it on a cliffhanger and expect me to pay more to see the ending? Or is it going to be some short prequel or sequel

Just because I know everyone was wondering, I'll be giving this a miss.

Could someone elaborate on the "phones could not survive in the West" part?

They had phone versions? What platform? I'll put my Google skills to work and try and find a download.

Don't get me wrong, I love Zelda games - but uh... do we really need another boss with a shiny tail that you have to hit? I bet there will be a boss who opens his mouth at one point and you have to throw a bomb in it too.

True, I realised that after I posted it. Either would be great though.

Perhaps they've redone MGS1 again with the MGS4 engine? A man can dream.

I will turn the other cheek, for am an honourable [wo]man.