
Ha, you're right really. I just feel it's got to be the least safe way to pirate though and was making a dramatic comparison to convey that.

Blocked by BT, but I wouldn't use it anyway - it's the internet equivalent of trying to steal from a police station.

Playstation 360. Done.

What an awful comment. You added nothing to the conversation and refuted none of his points. Thank you for wasting everyone's time.

Only thing that sucked about Dreamfall was the crappy tacked on combat (which even Ragnar himself has admitted was a mistake). The puzzles are nowhere near as stupid and the story/music/characters/settings are all brilliant for me. Definitely give it a go.

Wah Wah Wah, I want more news that caters exactly to me.

I refuse to buy a 360 just for this game... So I'll probably never play it.

Made me laugh out loud at work. Fuck you (and thank you).

The One Piece animation has been awful for the last few years. It's a shame because I actually really love Oda's art and the animation before they made the jump to HD captured it perfectly in my opinion.

Could someone tell me if any major Kickstarter campaign has come to fruition? So far I see that OUYA is getting a release somewhat soon and... not a lot else. Is this whole thing an even bigger scam than I initially though?

Must be nice to have your own personal army Stephen, that page is being spammed with your article and people slagging them off. Could you do something about One Direction? They probably outnumber us though.

I hope no-one ever said "Shenmue will be a long running series that will see the story all the way to its conclusion".

Haha, well played sir. All that was missing was the part where you have to wait 48 hours after a game over to continue playing or pay $5 to go straight back.

Ha, I know - I just wanted to air my grievances with S-E wanting all my money for putting no effort into their games.

I really really hope it's another cash draining mobile game with absolutely no substance and no real reason to play it, let alone bankrupt myself playing it. That's what we all need in our lives.

When this was announced last year, was the happiest I've ever been at the announcement of a new game. Dreamfall is my favourite game of all time - the only thing wrong with it was the cliffhanger ending! Extremely excited for this game and REALLY hope this Kickstarter works - this series is way too amazing to be left

Pretty much just going to echo what everyone's saying - they're rushing these out. I feel like the developers are being forced to push these out as quick as possible because the people in charge just see the money as these continue to sell hundreds of thousands of copies. It's a shame really because it's a great

If idiots want to pay money to watch someone play a game just because they're a half decent looking girl then let them. I'll be here spending my money on enjoying games myself and with friends not giving a shit about any of them. Good article though.

Has this only just reached the US? This sale's been running for a while here in the UK (and I assume the rest of Europe too).

I missed the delivery due to work ;_; Gotta pick mine up tomorrow morning from the parcel office. Set my alarm for 7.30am. Gonna be straight out that door.