
Yeah, seems like it's going to be pretty story heavy so it might not be possible for those of us who aren't fluent in Japanese. Sucks a bag of 20 dicks.

Which Macross series are worth watching? I've watched the very first series (not the Robotech version) and really liked it but I've heard the later series aren't much cop. So what's the skinny internet experts?

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww SNAP.

Fair play mate! Upon re-reading your comment I realise that was fairly obvious and as such I have eaten a slice of humble pie, that comes direct from the oven of shame, set at gas mark 'egg on my face'.

Okay... tad stringy this - did you put something in it?

Ah, I think I couldn't see them initially because my pubes haven't looked like sweetcorn for years.

I'd like to believe it, but the last two Jump mashup games never made it out of Japan. Also you just reminded me that I'm getting Pirate Warriors from a relative this Christmas and now I am ridiculously excited.

Is anyone else struggling to see the pube on the second picture?

Will be importing this as I highly doubt it'll ever make it to the west. Hopefully they add in other characters who aren't the main characters from the series they're using - would love to play as Zebra.

As much as I prefer One Piece as a series, Goku would beat Luffy hands down. He's basically a God.

I wonder who is holding this game back from the localisation? Obviously I don't know for sure, but seeing as Level-5 tend to localise everything and Capcom hate money I'm going to them.

"Actually I'm very straight and I looooove dante naked."

My Gamecube stopped reading discs after two years for no reason. My PS2 had been lugged around in a bag for years, dropped three times and worked flawlessly for 8 years. My Gamecube sat on my desk for two years, didn't move once and just stopped doing what it's meant to. So yeah, I don't trust Nintendo hardware.

I know what you're saying. He was within his rights to get angry at the kid for flinging his cards on the floor because of the point you've made, but he has no right to attack anyone - especially a child.

"Why try to be as similar and as bland as the common shooter when you can do something totally different and be the best creatively and carve your own niche?"

Vote: Dell Ultrasharp U2312HM

Yeah, I'm a seething ball of misogynistic rage.

Didn't even read the article, the author is a woman and therefore she will never know true brohood.

Be interesting to see a similar thing for American TV shows because the more of those I watch the more I notice the same overused tropes - male/female leads who start out hating each other but then fall in love, someone goes through some trouble and moves to a new town etc etc.

It's a light novel series that's recently been adapted into an anime.