
Thank you for making me laugh out loud and getting noticed by the teacher.
I'm commenting on my smartphone while standing out in the hall.

WRXs are so strong that an STi once pulled me out of Jennifer Lawrence.

Let's not forget that the same judge, Jean Boyd, who sentenced Mr. Couch here, just recently sentenced a different kid to go to prison. What did that kid do? He was 14 and got in a fight with another kid (which kids sometimes tend do to) who unfortunately fell, hit his head, and died. Oh, he was also black....and

She's not the brightest color in the box

As if height means anything to begin with.

Kotaku commenters are so negative ALL THE TIME. Chill out! This was hilarious!

I love the quote by the girl at the end.

"My boyfriend is 6'2" and we were about to get out of the car and pull somethin on you."

Gotta pull the height card against the asian huh?

This guy better be included as a future DLC

Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS Full Boost was released on January 30, 2013. There is currently no word on a Western release.

Unlike Americans, The Japanese like to enjoy their food. Not just inhaling it.

I won't lie. The reasons you stated were why I felt so bad about SCV.

I think Ryujlkun619 is trying to say that bitching isn't going to solve your "problem".

nobody forced you to read my comment

Then don't read the articles. Simple, no?

An ode to one of our favorite modestly dressed fighting game characters
Sophie is certainly one of my favorite SC characters.
Cassandra fulfilled my stocking and ponytail fetish
Taki....well the space provided cant even begin to fit my favorite things about taki.
Ivy...SCV outfit. Enough said.
Seong Mi-Na. Traditionally