
It’s probably just a little side activity to raise affinity.

How dare you call Asuka in volleyball gear an abomination!

You think America has the best culture?

That’s fine. You can be a fan of the series and not like EVERY entry. Hell that cooking one threw me in for a loop.

It’s not. Anyone who is familiar with the series is familiar with this statement and either has come to grips with it, accepts it as part of the series, or ignores it all together.

Example A of standard reply to any senran kagura article.

Before the whole comment thread gets out of hand with all sorts of righteous posts, let the people who like senran kagura enjoy the news, including the ones stateside.

Ill be sorely disappointed if...

And bless him formit.

And yet George still got shit for his honesty.

We prefer the term gynoids.

If there was any reason to have a PS4 enabled Fightstick, This would be the game to get it for if Tekken and SFV aren’t your thing.

Is it worth it to get a fightstick for this game? That depends on preference. Having a fightstick will make certain actions (Like Blocking) a LOT easier, and the four button setup spread

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

They have an entire CITY devoted to Toyota.
That’s another answer.

Remember folks,

To make a stupid analogy, why drive a basic Honda civic when I could drive one with nos?

I mean hey, you get it or you dont, different strokes for different folks, if the shoe fits, yadda yadda yadda.

I would imagine their year long delay would be to implement that feature campaign wide.
One can dream I guess.

Ace Combat Zero was the one with aerial Jousting and Super Sexy Flamenco music.

All three games of the Playstation 2 era actually had a death star style trench run. I guess it was a requirement in those days.

The franchise started out as just a normal Arcade Flight sim. When 3 came around, the campy sci-fi story was introduced, then four five and zero Introduced us to the expanded world that 3 started with the introduction to the strangereal universe of AC. Since Six was on X360, not many of the people who have been with