Ryoga Vee

Ive always wonder why rich people like congressmen, Donald Trump and others dont get hair restoration treatments. While i dont know this to be true, I have always assumes that it must mess up your junk for more people with disposable income not to do it.

I assume you worked in Foster City.

Before coming to Google I worked in the gaming industry. Started out as a tester with a number of companies. I'm not surprised by any of these statements. I once worked a 23 hour day, was often told that I could not claim over time. Was told not to clock in a few times. Or forced to clock out and return to my station.

iPad is more valuable by far. In the contest of use, appeal, and functionality.

Good one!

Apple makes ONE device a year in its product line. while most mobile manufactures make about 10-15. How many TVs does Sony make a year, or phones Nokia make? How man cars goes Honda make?

While we are at it lets stop making cars run more efficiently all people really want are leather seats, sound systems and cup holders.

Here is what Ive always said. iPad, stream through Apple TV + Blue-tooth controller.

Just wait will someone makes a decent blue-tooth controller.

I would love to see a black couple have an overly "white" wedding. You know, the kid where everyone shows up on time. Tips the staff generously. Shows off their 720 credit rating.

Damn shame where Little Caesars is cheaper than a frozen pizza at the supermarket.

Anyone ever notice how there is rarely and next to NEVER any video footage from space?

lawdy... lawdy... lawdy...

I swear if the make it hokey and campy ill slap somebody! When will cartoon network lean that even their target demographic is not stupid and can handle a grown up animated program just fine. BTAS lasted for years just fine and never resorted to the lowest common denominator. It holds up even today. Why can writers go

You sir win internets

I'll tell you this. I bought the game about a year ago. Played it about 5 times and sat on it. My first impression as it was too fast, quirky and hard. A year later I try again for fucks sake, and something changed, I really got into it. Not i play it before going to be and enjoy myself. So to you I say, give it some

Plenty of competition, just no knows knows how to make a tablet that people want other than apple.

You are kidding right?

It already is an MMO.