Ryoga Vee

Whats the difference? Comparison please.

I did too... Hmmmmm

They are just not fighting them. I make about $200 a day at the office. If I get a $100 ticket, its not worth the time for me to fight it. I pay it and move on with my business.


Because Apple is not trying to be a parent. A typical 9 year old does not give a damn about a zombie and blood. Your 4 year old might.

Simple answer, Money!

You have no idea what you are talking about.

So, ESRB is pissed they are mi$$ing out on all that money?

This story just keeps getting worse and worse the board of directory need to oust who ever was in charge of this decision. How do you kill a profitable, beloved product, and not even consider selling it?

Not everyone wants to upload the second they shoot something.

GoPro does not even have a view finder. Its too expensive to lack the featured that it does.

Same here. for some reason the videos dont work. I always have to do research and find the video elsewhere.

Wow, you got me there! I have no idea how I types that.

737, regular chimerical airliner, 95 tons give or take. 747, super jet!, 485 tons.

American made!

Thats the best part. i cant find any other cameras that also use AA batteries.

I don't understand all the hate. I have a Flip and I actually like it, ALOT in fact. The problem was they never added anything to the product line. The Flip software was horrid, it had no usable features other than On / Off. Had they just implemented image stabilization and maybe a few shooting modes, like the option

How is this any different than watching a 3D movie for 2 hours?

How is this any different than watching a 3D movie for 2 hours?