Ryan Kara

I've seen several in Ohio.

Ahh, okay.

Most, if not all, of the NASCAR drivers stay in a bus (or motor home) during the race weekend. I don't see how this is any different from allegations from other sport figures this year.

Hearing these kinds of stories frustrates me. I was pulled over for going 6mph over the speed limit, and did everything I was supposed to do. I ended up driving away with a $140 ticket for speeding. I know others that have gotten away with going 20mph over the speed limit.

I'd watch a show where they take normal guys off the street that want to drive pro and teach them to be professional car drivers (rally, race, drift, etc.). It would be a competition as well, so at the end they do a competition between the drivers being taught that season. The winner receives a sponsorship and a

Yes, that's the one I have.

Yes, that's the one I have.

I bought a different Motorola modem a year ago due to my experience with ISPs constantly raising the price to rent an out of date modem. Over the past year the modem has more than paid for itself.

I bought a different Motorola modem a year ago due to my experience with ISPs constantly raising the price to rent