It would be like watching the fall of Rome. If I were from the future, I’d come back and leave a bunch of sensors in safe places to record data. Then review them in the future.
It would be like watching the fall of Rome. If I were from the future, I’d come back and leave a bunch of sensors in safe places to record data. Then review them in the future.
My issue with it is long term. The North not being part of the six kingdoms doesn’t have a seat at the table for the picking of the next ruler of the six kingdoms. The next ruler will not be from the North.
Ultimately they gave up a lot to have a title of King or Queen of the North. The function of that title is…
It could be to just get them to the size they want to butcher them at. No need in keeping adults around.
Can we somehow get an update whenever he gets shingles?
They should at least do one more episode so it doesn’t end on a cliffhanger...
We used to have a feral cat who lived under a work trailer which sat empty every winter. Every summer it had kittens and every year in the spring it was alone. Turns out she was eating her kittens every winter. People used to tredge out and leave it water and food in the winter. It didn’t need to eat them to survive.
When you watched the movie were the trees in the background of almost every shot affected? No. So it wasn’t half of all life. Maybe just half of animal life or half of sentient life.
The sad thing is it’s impossible to tell his real tweets from satire without checking...
I think most people use a VPN. In recent years they’ve become easy to use, cheap and speeds have increased dramatically.
I’ll give them a try. I’m using an older no ads version of uTorrent. You’re right, I’ve seen the latest version and it’s garbage.
uTorrent and I think most others give you the option to select the files you want from magnet links. Give it a second to load before hitting OK and uncheck anything that’s not .mkv.
Don’t download anything that goes up just before the release date/time. The Walking Dead ones sometimes show up online 15 minutes before…
Yeah they’re just outside of Washington DC.
Nothing happened... The Kingdom fell. Carol and Ezekiel broke up. Negan got out of his cell to stretch his legs. The Whispers are going to be pissed they trespassed.
I feel like they will go back for them and the wagons after the storm. Horses can survive a blizzard like that. They’ll scratch the snow for grass etc. Wagons will be fine.
I think they covered this. The buildings were rotting from the inside out. Did you notice all the cracked walls? Those buildings were old and defunct before the Zombie Apocalypse started. In the real world you would either spend a few million renovating them or demolish them down and build new. Without the hot water…
Probably not very much. I’d assume they were adults who were asked not to sleep. Most people can stay awake for an hour in a dark room.
The special effects on removing heads would be pretty expensive to make it look better looking than some dolls. Most of the time when people die they’re eaten and the zombies obscure the screen, they’re stabbed or shot. Removing heads from multiple living moving targets is some complicated CG. The zombie heads are…
Agreed, it’s odd more people didn’t go with them.
They use the torture of adults to desensitives and indoctrinate the children. Likely started with branding, then more later. Since the brand was a target it’s likely they release an adult and the kids hunt them down in a pack. I also wouldn’t be surprised if they were…
I just read about this one. It’s a little more recent than your other examples. They’re still working to uncover the mass graves.
When the Connie is hiding in that field beside the whisperers, what do you think they’re growing?