
Dude, I own a wii, PS3 and 360 with intentions on purchasing both next gen consoles as well. It's not a matter of me being a fanboy whatsoever, I just don't understand why some of the articles that get posted on gawker media are considered post worthy. It's the type of things I'd expect to see on Reddit or such...not

lol @ all of you rage. chill the fuck out, I could care less...just think it's kinda silly to post wikipedia entries as news articles...or whatever you trolls consider these "posts"

Not in the slightest, but this is what all of the "Gawker" media sites have come too. Such a joke


And how exactly is this article worthy? We get it Kotaku, you like the PS4. Take your nose out of their ass a bit please

Cable stuff already works nicely with my 360. Here on the west coast in Canada you can use your 360 as a digital box with a cable supplier. The UI is hella fast, and looks real nice too.

I take your comment with a grain of salt...4over is horrid.