Ryan DeBraal

Totally agree. These nods to their other works begs the question: Do they exist in the same continuity? Except, what we should be asking is: If these two franchises do exist in the same continuity, should they ever be allowed to cross over in canon. The answer is No.

Um... Your line of reasoning is flawed. If you accept one 'truth' it has no bearing on whether you accept another 'truth' or not. Each is an independent idea. You can choose. That's how free will works.

I bought a PS4 specifically to play Destiny. I didn't return my PS4 to the store because of Shadow of Mordor.

I heard about the Loot Cave late, so all my friends are decked out in purple and I've barely replaced my last green. It would have been nice if they had nerfed the cave on the same day they increased engram drops... Expect changes "soon"

Such a weird chart, when I think of 'how long' a book takes to read I measure it in weeks of lunches at the coffee shop and minutes before bed.

An alarming amount of people I've met, after telling them I'm a Computer Programmer, actually thought I wrote ones and zeros all day long.

01100011 01110010 01100001 01111010 01111001, right?

Wouldn't it be faster to aim for the bottom of the flag pole so you don't have to wait for Mario to slide down?

Cheapshark.com — you're welcome.

This, so much! They best co op competition game I've ever played. Two Tomatoes!

I've found it useful when deciding whether to buy a game or not. YouTube is filled with misleading trailers or gameplay videos with people only promoting themselves.

A Twitch Let's Play simply shows you exactly what you'd be getting yourself into.

I didn't think much of this character until later on when I realized that any episode without Asoka was a dud episode.

Really? Thats wild, I just rewatched the movies last weekend and thought - how messed up is that kid gonna be?

As a Chicago resident I must say, What the Fuck?

I have no idea what I'm looking at..this is a thing? Is it useful for something?

I just started watching this actually, and while its not a "Triple A" show like a Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad, its a good "tune in" show like Burn Notice or Justified

what is it?, I don't want to look it up

Can this be used to create new birth control methods?

Make the board out of superconductors instead and cover all street and sidewalk surfaces with yttrium barium copper oxide.

ok. A man playing a videogame is an oversimplification, what he is doing is the same as someone playing piano for an audience. He's acting upon an instrument (in this case a computer) for the enjoyment of the viewer. I'm guessing in your life you have at least once enjoyed yourself watching a friend play a game or