This, is not racist. How would you even know what racism is? You’re most likely for no reason starting drama. Watch this video.
This, is not racist. How would you even know what racism is? You’re most likely for no reason starting drama. Watch this video.
How long to Polygon/Kotaku/Buzzfeed to say how much this game is racist to make the dude eating chicken drumsticks with a darker skin tone?
While some games have had a tendency to sell better on Nintendo’s handheld than other platforms, likely due in part to less competition from the smaller overall game library,
Oh, so Apple doesn’t design their own mobile processor? Are you high?
Haha, I’m an idiot (just waking up). Thanks.
Egg on face. Wow. Thanks!
Yeah, well... Um...
Calling other commenters “idiot” speaks volumes about your social competence.
Or maybe white people actually have a sense of humor
He has two friends, who are great. Does play outside, collects rocks, and can read a couple years above his level.
That said, he used to play Arma on his dad’s laptop, but his parents recently divorced and his dad took his laptop with him.
Nice, its cool to see my homeland pop up on Kotaku. Welcome to Kiwi land, hope you’re enjoying your visit!
Very Nice.
A Pre-Sunrise Hike. Roys Peak, New Zealand. By Will Norton.
Ok, so just to be clear, they are leaving the fact that she kick him in the groin, but it’s not okay for someone to stumble forward after getting shanked in the gut, accidentally place their hands on her chest ARMOR, and then express regret before immediately getting killed?
“You can hang her in the air and break her fucking neck like a twig as Lawbringer. You can kick her to the ground and rip her arm out of her socket as Conqueror. You can crush her head like a watermelon as Shugoki. But oh no, having someone accidentally grab her boobs and then get executed for it is too brutal for…
Relatively yes but there were quite a lot with female protagonist games in that list including Gravity Rush - Uncharted, Horizon Zero Dawn, Life is Strange, Battlefront 2 (if I count the campaign) & Hellblade.
Not to mention games with variable protagonist sex based on player choice such as Destiny & Mass Effect…
Maui Cosplay is all the rage right now.