Zelda did it!

I think Pokemon Z is going to be a sequel to XY where Lysandre/Team Flare (maybe it’s like Gold and Silver where Lysandre leaves, but the team keeps going) is still trying to destroy the world. I think this will be handled in one of two ways which are basically opposites:

1. Lysandre/Team Flare will have the Zygarde

black and white wasnt built to have a 3rd game anyways. so they kinda had to do black2 white2. since the whole theme of the game was ballance and opposites.



Here’s a lesson for next time; when a thing enters the market and sits there, it loses value. One day, it will cost next to nothing given a usual set of circumstances.

I’m just going to assume this is a dumb joke. Nobody is so self-entitled that they would actually believe this is a slap in the face to someone who played the game for a whole 6 hours 3 years ago. That’s even beyond normal internet stupid.

Nope. Wait for Battlefront.

There’s one I recently got into called “The Family Guy” or something. It’s pretty funny and the Homer guy’s chin looks like balls.


Fixed! :)

Agreed. Not saying I do, but I can see why it reads that way. I don’t think that negates the fact that the app shouldn’t not pick up musically where it left off instead of going to the home screen.

Just do it! Check out the Smart Passive Income podcast and website. Pat shares his challenges with getting started and shares some getting started tips. http://www.smartpassiveincome.com/

“Miyamoto’s got a Muppet? May as well nickname it Other M!”

And this evolves to

I kind of agree. Even the logo is the same. It even has the endgame quiz show!

Flossing while you shower is a HORRIBLE idea. 1, It wastes a fuckton of water... you’re just sitting there, water running, flossing; the same exact thing as you’d do by the sink. 2, it’s no more efficient, unless you use that handheld floss brush and lather up with the other hand [At Same Time]. Most likely not the

This is basically beta testing. You know any game from LEGO will be available for every computer or console you can imagine.

Seriously. Why is this not playable in a browser, so I can play on my Chromebook? It’s 2015, dammit ><