Zelda did it!

We should rename it to the “Wilhelm Door”.


Can’t wait for the first AI-generated “My Gay T-Rex Neighbour Humped Me While I Was Doing Dishes”.

The door sound used in Oblivion, THAT’s a stock sound and used everywhere. It’s hilarious how some movies trigger Oblivion memories.

A metal door makes a metal sound. If this game wants to create some kind of realism, this is a perfect sound. Makes you think twice if you want to go into a building or not.

Except that it’s so difficult to play the board game when you and 3 friends are in different corners of the earth.

The screenshot you use as a thumbnail never happens in the video. Shitty practice.

How can people be complaining about it costing $40?! This set costs $74 in Denmark, the country LEGO comes from!

Or honey badgers. Fucking honey badgers.

With his hair, the USA tie and his suit, this guy just looks like an American character in a Japanese game.

Firewatch is an experience, not really a game, no real difficulty. But it’s an AMAZING experience! I bought it on PS4 and just to send the right signal, I’ll probably buy it on Switch as well. Also might want to try some different answers this time.

The most important question (and the only question we should ask after such a happening): How and who are the victims?

There are people who use a normal measurement system on this website.

That video doesn’t show shit.

If you read the article properly, you would’ve read that they also replaced the motherboard and battery.

I just removed 118 out of 119 apps. Kinja being the 119th.

I don’t believe this, not with just hand tools. He must have heated it up, so it melted together.

I’m guessing that the museum/archive is based on Archaide, even though that planet only existed of arcade machines.

Wait, is the race actually ON Ludus?!

Not only the fact that it wasn’t on Ludus, but also the fact that it got changed to Mario Kart on steroids, instead of a nerdy Dungeons & Dragons chapter.