Rutherford Q. Churchwalsh

We deserve annihilation as a species.

That is dumb, very very very dumb.

If you have to pretend to be a cartoon animal to cope with your everyday life there is something fundamentally wrong with you.

Incorrect also works.


He looks like a trailer park Tilda Swinton.

It will be a great tool for any DM, but it won’t replace paper. I’ve been loving it, and setting up my NPC and just made the Big Bad on it today (a dragonborn Paladin of Tiamat) as well as a few encounters.  

Wow, that dude is fucking annoying.



She is a monster and deserves to be locked up for the rest of her, hopefully short, life.

Well he is 136 years old.

Spots for the Great Moon-Ape Invasion I’m guessing.

Yeeesh...Can we get back to video games please?

I’ve dated girls uglier than you for breakfast!

So all the other ones I get but why sue the guard she attacked?

The wheel must turn, the strong devour the weak.

The trailer has been pulled down.

*Gasp* You mean that both characters are going to go back to the way they were, and the way they are portrayed in an upcoming film that just happens to be coming out around the same time?!

He is ready...