
THE UKRAINE TRADED THE RUSSIAN NUKES ON ITS LAND FOR PROTECTION FROM THE US. I hope you read that now it’s all uppercase. Yes, the Budapest Memorandum of Security Assurances had some shitty language in it, but it’s purpose is clear. Have you read article 1 of ANCO? The first move is the UN’s, not the US’s, so if shit

Send me the stories, or at the very least a source. I understand no mere mortal can possibly comprehend what is displayed on your personal version of the internet, but I will try my hardest.

Now THAT is how you use an example/data to support an argument. The zealots should take note.

There is a security issue at sea, and according to your data it is held by the nation states where those incidents take place. Don’t send me data if you don’t want me to read it, then say I “don’t understand”. Your position is laughable, you disproved your own point by assuming I wouldn’t read it.

That scenario is laughable. And the response would be diplomatic sanctions, not war. You heard of a place called Ukraine? Crimea? I don’t see Americans being deployed there, and they had a protection treaty trading nuclear weapons for protection. It’s been what, three years?

I don’t think its a coincidence, no. I think it’s because it’s nearly fucking impossible for what would be known as a “pirate” to board or overthrow a modern vessel. By your own source, once they turn on the water cannons the majority of “pirates” turn away, realizing the futility of their efforts. Long range rifles

Nope, that was the very first actual legitimate, current example. And as of earlier this year, that accounts for all of 4 ships, no where close to 275 ships worth of justification. And according to most accounts the Saudi Royal Navy is handling most of the action, albeit with equipment purchased from the US.

You are a lobbiest arn’t you?

Seems your relying on information that dosn’t exist for actions that don’t happen to justify a police force that is invisible. You’re right, the only action is to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on it.

Lol, you didn’t contradict anything I said. It’s just like Russia in Crimea, they are doing it because they can and no one is going to stop them. You think any of those south asian countries are going to raise arms to stop them? You think the US will? The steamrolling will continue until they have everything they

The coast is not the jurisdiction of the Navy, it’s up to the coast guard, who is not tied to the Navy.

One example of a deployed ship or allocated naval resource in budget would get people off your back about this. Just provide one example.

That’s not true at all, literally nothing is stoping them, they know they can steamroll the region and no one will stop them, so they are. There has been no deterrent to their actions, because doing so would spark an international incident.

Someone a little higher than you that seems to be familiar with the existing systems already on ships seems to not think so. I don’t think so, so who ya gonna believe?

On that map, there are 3 actual hijackings. And that map is all of last year. There is no map on the resolutions of these conflicts, but I can tell you what generally happens.

Very topical, 1987-1988. Got something after the microprocessor was popularised? Like, when missiles could guide themselves? Because that’s not a very good example if you’re supporting the Navy.

Ah, I love replies like this. You see the list of good this task force has done? Thank God were spending millions keeping navel vessels at sea so the can seize a couple thousand pounds of hash and heroin every 3 years. What an awesome allocation of resources.

All great points, however I have no records or examples of the actual NAVY being used to protect those vessels, save one specific example where the ship had already been overtaken, and, as you said, contractors on the ships as deterrents would be much more effective. I have never heard of stationed combat vessels

Who is threat to oceanic shipping lanes that requires an entire navy? Last I heard the worst threats were guys in fishing boats with rocket launchers that water cannons were enough of a deterrent, if it was really a problem we would arm the shipping vessels.

The END of the original comment, you fucking illiterate mainlander.